North Shore Community College Continuing Education

Degrees and Certificates

Degrees & Certificates:

NTCC offers comprehensive credit-bearing coursework leading towards a short-term certificate, technical diploma, and/or associate degree. A full list of credit programs of study is provided below.

Transfer Pathways

University Transfer Pathways:

NTCC has established partnerships with universities and colleges designed to prepare you for transfer into a bachelor's degree or specialized program and another institution of higher learning. Transfer pathways are facilitated within the Louisiana Transfer Degree Program.

  • Louisiana Transfer Degree Catalog Listing
  • Link to University Transfer Pathways webpage

Degree and Certificate Programs:

  • Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
  • Automotive Technology
  • Building Technology Specialist
  • Business Office Administration
  • Care and Development of Young Children
  • Culinary Arts and Occupations
  • Diesel Powered Equipment Technology
  • Drafting and Design Technology
  • Electrician
  • Electric Line Technology
  • EMR - First Responder
  • EMT - Basic
  • General Studies
  • Information Systems Technology
  • Louisiana Transfer Program
  • Machine Tool Technology
  • Maritime Technology
  • Medical Assistant
  • Paralegal Studies
  • Patient Care Technician
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Practical Nursing
  • Technical Studies
  • Veterinary Technology
  • Welding

*Listing of a program does not necessarily mean that enrollment is accepted every semester. Program availability and start dates vary.

Master Course Syllabus:

Master syllabus templates contain the base information for each course offered by the college. Though the final version used within a specific section of a course is subject to change by the assigned faculty member, the master syllabus includes the minimum elements required for a formal syllabus. Master syllabi are accessible and published on NTCC website:

  • Go to the Master Syllabi webpage.

College Policies:

In addition to requirements and stipulations included in the College Catalog, official college policies may also contain expectations related to degree completion and enrollment at the college. Official Academic Affairs and Student Affairs related policies are accessible and published on the college website:

  • Go to the Academic Affairs Policies webpage.
  • Go to the Student Affairs Policies webpage.

Note: This section of the catalog is a description of all credit-bearing degree and certificate programs of study offered at Northshore Technical Community College. The curricula area is accurate and complete as possible at the time of publication of this catalog. Since this catalog was prepared, some programs may have been added or deleted, and/or changes in curricula may have been made.

General Education Core:

The purpose of the general education core at NTCC is to provide students with a well-rounded educational experience. The general education core is a required component of associate degree programs at NTCC. The college requirement for the general education core is a minimum of 15 credit hours, with three credit hours in each core category (English Composition, Mathematics, Natural Science, Behavioral Science, and Humanities). Elective options are outlined below.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the general education core at NTCC, students should be able to:

  • Communicate effectively by use of composition through writing and speaking and comprehension through reading and listening.
  • Construct problem-solving strategies to model, interpret, and (or) communicate solutions to mathematical problems.
  • Integrate concepts of the scientific nature of the world and the role of behavioral and natural sciences as it pertains to health and well-being.
  • Examine significant ideas and achievements in literature, art, music, and media in order to evaluate the impact these forms of expression have in today's world.
  • Analyze the diversity of the human experience through the practical applications of social, historical, cultural, economic, and political systems and apply to current events and in professional settings.
  • Distinguish and apply credible sources of knowledge utilizing information literacy and research skills.

Student achievement related to student learning outcomes is assessed systematically and results are made available on the Program Review webpage.

General Education Elective Options:

English Composition (Note: Cannot apply both ENGL 1015 and 1015A)
ENGL 1015 English Composition I 3
ENGL 1015A English Comp I w/Suppl. Instr. 4
ENGL 1025 English Composition II 3
Mathematics (Note: Cannot apply both MATH 1005 and MATH 1015 nor both MATH 1500 and 1500A nor both MATH 1001 and 1001A)
MATH 1001 Applied Algebra 3
MATH 1001A Applied Algebra w/ Suppl Instr 4
MATH 1005 College Algebra Fundamentals 6
MATH 1015 College Algebra 3
MATH 1200 Contemporary Math 3
MATH 1500 Finite Math 3
MATH 1500A Finite Math w/Suppl. Instr. 4
MATH 1620 Plane Trigonometry 3
MATH 1650 Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry 5
MATH 2000 Calculus 5
MATH 2410 Elementary Statistics 3
Natural Sciences
Biological Science Electives:
BIOL 1010 Introduction to Biology I 3
BIOL 1020 Introduction To Biology II 3
BIOL 1100 Gen Biology I (Science Major) 3
BIOL 1110 Environmental Biology 3
BIOL 1200 Gen Biology II (Science Major) 3
BIOL 2200 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3
BIOL 2230 Medical Microbiology 3
BIOL 2300 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3
Physical Science Electives:
CHEM 1010 Gen Chemistry I NonScience Mjr 3
GEOL 1010 Physical Geology 3
PHYS 1010 Elementary Physics 3
ENGL 2010 British Literature 3
ENGL 2020 American Literature 3
ENGL 2030 World Literature 3
HIST 1010 Western Civilization I 3
HIST 1020 Western Civilization II 3
HIST 1500 World Hist Perspective of Oil 3
HIST 2010 American History 3
HIST 2020 American History II 3
HIST 2100 History of Louisiana 3
HMAN 2015 Humanities for Leaders 3
Additional Approved Electives: The following courses can be used as an additional elective for this category only if one of the above courses is also completed.
FREN 1010 Elementary French I 3
FREN 1020 Elementary French II 3
SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I 3
SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II 3
SPCH 1015 Introduction to Speaking 3
SPCH 1025 Intro to Interpersonal Com 3
Social Behavioral Sciences
ECON 2010 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
ECON 2020 Principles of Microeconomics 3
POLI 2010 Introduction to American Gover 3
POLI 2020 State & Local Politics 3
PSYC 1500 Psy of Addict Behave&Sub Abuse 3
PSYC 2015 Introduction To Psychology 3
PSYC 2040 Developmental Psychology 3
PSYC 2100 Social Psychology 3
SOCL 2015 Introduction to Sociology 3
SOCL 2120 Social Problems 3
SOCL 2220 Marriage and Family 3
SOCL 2420 Stratification and Inequality 3
Additional Approved Electives: The following courses can be used as an additional elective for this category only if one of the above courses is also completed.
CRMJ 1110 Intro to Criminal Justice 3
CRMJ 1120 Introduction to Corrections 3
CRMJ 1220 Police Systems and Practices 3
CRMJ 1330 Introduction to Criminal Law 3
CRMJ 1340 Deviance 3
CRMJ 1410 Juvenile Justice 3
CRMJ 1420 Judicial Process 3

Other General Education Electives:
Fine Arts:
ARTS 1010 Survey of World Art History I 3
ARTS 1020 Survey of World Art History II 3
MUSC 1010 Music Appreciation 3

General Education Elective:

For degree plans that list an option for a "General Education Elective", students may choose any course listed in one of the above General Education categories (English Composition, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Humanities, Social Behavioral Sciences, and Fine Arts).

Degrees, Diplomas, and Exit Points:

Exit level designations for these programs are as follows:

  • CTC - Career and Technical Certificate: an applied skills program (6-18 SCH) that provides specific, meaningful technical skills relative to employment readiness and designed towards preparation for an industry-based certification (IBC).
  • CTS - Certificate of Technical Studies: an applied, technical program (16-33 SCH) to provide a student with a broad technical competency in a specific area or field.
  • TD - Technical Diploma: an applied, technical program (45-60 SCH) usually formed by combining multiple CTSs and/or CTCs.
  • AAS - Associate of Applied Science Degree: an applied degree program, with a limited general education core component, primarily designed to prepare students for immediate employment or career entry.
  • Louisiana Transfer Degree (AALT or ASLT): an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree that follows a prescribed curriculum (providing both structure and flexibility) and assures transfer of the 60 SCH in the degree plus credit for completion of the Board of Regents' required general education block at any public university.

Degrees, technical diplomas, and certificates earned are recorded on the transcript upon verification of award requirements. Associate degrees have general education requirements.

Credential List

A list of credentials offered by NTCC, by credential type, is provided below:

Associate of Applied Science Programs

  • Criminal Justice (430104)
  • Information Systems Technology (110103)
  • Veterinary Technology (018301)
  • Technical Studies (479999)
    • Concentrations:
      • Automotive Technology (470604)
      • Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (470201)
      • Building Technology Specialist (460401)
      • Business Office Administration (520401)
      • Care & Development of Young Children (190709)
      • Culinary Arts & Occupations (120503)
      • Diesel Powered Equipment Technology (470605)
      • Electric Line Technology (460301)
      • Electrician (460302)
      • Machine Tool Technology (480501)
      • Maritime Technology (490399)
      • Practical Nursing (513901)
      • Welding (480508)

Associate of General Studies (240102)

  • Concentrations:
    • Criminal Justice Systems Studies (430104)
    • Drafting and Design Technician (151301)
    • Foundations of Information Technology (110901)
    • General Studies (240102)
    • Maritime Transportation (490399)
    • Medical Assistant (510801)
    • Paralegal Studies (220302)
    • Patient Care Technician (512601)
    • Pharmacy Technician (510805)
    • Practical Nursing (513901)

Louisiana Transfer Degree (240199)

  • Associate of Arts (240199)
  • Associate of Science (240199)

Diploma Programs

  • Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (470201)
  • Automotive Technician (470604)
  • Building Technology Specialist (460401)
  • Business Office Technology (520401)
  • Care & Development of Young Children (190709)
  • Criminal Justice (430104)
  • Culinary Arts & Occupations (120503)
  • Diesel Powered Equipment Technology (470605)
  • Electric Line Technology (460301)
  • Electrician (460302)
  • Information Technology (110901)
  • Machine Tool Technology (480501)
  • Maritime Technology (490399)
  • Practical Nursing (513901)
  • Welding (480508)

Certificate of Technical Studies Programs

  • Arc Welder FCAW (480508)
  • Arc Welder GMAW (480508)
  • Arc Welder GTAW (480508)
  • Arc Welder SMAW (480508)
  • Child Care Teacher (190709)
  • CNC Operator (480501)
  • Commercial A/C (470201)
  • Commercial Refrigeration (470201)
  • Construction Specialist (460401)
  • Criminal Justice Systems Studies (430104)
  • Diesel Engine Technician (470605)
  • Drafting & Design Technician (151301)
  • Electrical A/C Specialist (460401)
  • Electric Line Technician (460301)
  • Electrical Technician (470604)
  • Engine Performance Technician (470604)
  • Entry Level Line Cook (120503)
  • Foundations of Information Technology (110901)
  • Lathe Operator (480501)
  • Maritime Transportation (490399)
  • Medical Assistant (510801)
  • Mill Operator (480501)
  • Office Assistant Specialist (520401)
  • Paralegal Studies (220302)
  • Patient Care Technician (512601)
  • Pharmacy Technician (510805)
  • Production Cook (120503)
  • Residential A/C/R  (470201)
  • Residential Electrician  (460302)
  • Veterinary Assistant  (018301)

Certificate of General Studies

  • General Studies (240102)

Career and Technical Certificate Programs

  • Brake Systems (470604)
  • Alignment, Suspension & Steering Technology (470604)
  • Cloud Computing Support (110902)
  • Control Helper (460302)
  • Cybersecurity Support (110901)
  • Diesel A\C Technician (470605)
  • Electric Line Crew Leader (460301)
  • Electric Line Helper I (460301)
  • Electric Line Maintenance (460301)
  • Electrician Helper (460302)
  • EKG Skills (512601)
  • EMR First Responder (510904)
  • EMT-Basic (510904)
  • Engine Performance & Diagnosis Technician (470604)
  • Entry Level Prep Cook (120503)
  • Fiber Optics Support (110901)
  • General Clerk (520401)
  • HVAC Helper I (470201)
  • Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Care (190709)
  • IT Support (110901)
  • Linux Systems Support (110901)
  • MA EKG (510801)
  • MA Phlebotomy (510801)
  • Networking (110901)
  • Nurse Assistant (513902)
  • Pharmacy Clerk (510805)
  • Phlebotomy Skills (512601)
  • PLC Helper (460302)
  • Plumbing Helper (460401)
  • Residential Wiring Installation (460302)
  • Servers Support (110901)
  • Transmissions and Power Trains Technician (470604)
  • Welder Fundamentals (480508)
  • Welder Helper (480508)

Provost Welcome Message

Picture of Dr. Daniel Roberts, Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at NTCC

Welcome to the new academic year!  As a life-long resident of the Northshore, it's truly an honor and blessing to serve our Northshore communities. With another academic year approaching, it is important to reflect on our College Mission and how we can put our mission into practice each and every day. Our mission is to provide workforce training and transfer opportunities to students seeking a competitive advantage in today's global economy. Our programs and services are student-centered and are the core of our College. We remain sharply focused on continuing to increase access to affordable learning and career opportunities across the Northshore. We are thankful for the many faculty and staff that are so dedicated to our mission and building a stronger future for our students.  For everyone that's a part of the Northshore family, keep striving for excellence in all that you do!

Daniel Roberts, PhD
Provost & Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs


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